Cossack Lakes

Two-day hard-level trekking tour to the one of the most beautifull moraine lakes in Almaty mountains - "Cossack Lakes"

More details about the Cossack Lakes tour

trekking tour in Almaty mountains, Kazakhstan
Requires excellent physical fitness and hiking experience
Transportation: about 40km one way
Day 1: 10 km
Day 2: 16 km
Heavy (10-12kg)
group eguipment is handed out to each participant
2 days
1 night in tents

Timeline of the tour to Cossack Lakes

Almaty mountains
Day 1
07:00 – 07:30
Day 1
07:00 – 07:30
Meeting point
We will meet in the city center or near your hotel. Before the tour, we gather and hand out all group equipment among the participants.
9:00 – 9:30
9:00 – 9:30
Kaskelen, Start of the Hiking
Проехав экопост нацпарка мы доедем до конца асфальтированной дороги, оттуда начнется пешая часть пути по хвойным лесам, березовым рощам которые наполнят воздух древесным ароматом и своей особенной красотой.

After passing the eco-post of the national park, we will reach the end of the paved road, from where the hiking segment begins. We will trek through coniferous forests and birch groves that fill the air with woody aromas and showcase their unique beauty.
12:30 – 13:30
12:30 – 13:30
Aidarys Pass
Leaving the forest, we will reach the ridge. With each new hill we conquer, new vistas of the upper reaches of the Cossack River, distant alpine meadows, and snow-capped peaks will unfold in front of us. On the right side of the trail there are the forested slopes of the Aidarys ravine. At a convenient spot on the ridge, we will stop for a lunch break. There will be no water available on the ridge, so it is advisable to carry ample supplies of water and tea.
18:00 – 19:00
18:00 – 19:00
Camp at Jailyau
From the ridge trail, we will descend to a vast jailyau with a thin spring stream and breathtaking views down into the gorge on one side and surrounded by rocky cliffs and moraines on the other. Here, we will set up camp, discuss the day’s journey over dinner, and enjoy a million stars overhead. It will be cold at such an elevation at night, but the desire to gaze at the stars will remain strong.
Day 2
6:00 – 7:00
Day 2
6:00 – 7:00
Morning the the Almaty mountains
A very early wake-up. Our goal is to quickly grab a snack, freshen up, and set off energetically towards the lakes with a light backpack containing necessary items, a thermos, water, and snacks.
09:00 – 11:00
09:00 – 11:00
Cossack Lakes
The first lake is not far, but the ascent up the steep moraine is challenging. The first lake impresses with its deep green waters, and we will walk around it from all sides, taking at least a hundred photos! To reach the second lake, we will first need to climb a bit and then descend a scree slope. The second lake is slightly smaller in length but no less impressive, hidden among rocky walls and enduring stones.
12:00 – 15:00
12:00 – 15:00
Down the gorge
We need to return to the camp by 12:00 to pack up and have lunch, ensuring we can make it back before dark. The return path through Cossack Gorge will be equally captivating – descending along the ridge into its cozy forests under the rays of the setting sun.
19:00 – 20:00
19:00 – 20:00
Back to the city
Very tired but undoubtedly pleased with the hike and the eventful weekend (after which another day off is needed =)), we will get into the car, return to Almaty, reach home by late evening, and reminisce about the crisp beauty of the Cossack Lakes.

List of essentials for trekking to Cossack Lakes

  • Headlamp
  • Mug, spoon, bowl, knife, bottle (1-2 l)
  • Sunglasses and sunscreen
  • Hygiene supplies
  • Small towel
  • Personal first aid kit
  • Raincoat
  • Backpack (60 - 90 l) + raincover
  • Sleeping bag (comfort 0...-5°C)
  • Camping mat
  • Seat mats (optional)
  • Trekking poles
  • Trekking boots/sneakers
  • Second pair of shoes (light sneakers or sandals)
  • Trekking shirt (1-2pcs)
  • Longsleeves
  • Fleece\Hoodie
  • Hardshell jacket (or down jacket)
  • Trekking trousers
  • Fleece pants
  • Underwear
  • Extra socks + warm socks
  • Sun hat and buff
  • Woolen beanie
  • Passport (border guard document check)
  • Some cash
❗ Leave some space in your backpack for group equipment and food
What is included in the price of a trip to Cossack Lakes?
Hotel pickup/drop-off
Guide service
Basic first aid kit
Photo report
4 meals (lunch, dinner, breakfast, lunch)
Tents (for 2-3 people)
Ecological fees
Not included
Transportation (Almaty-Kaskelen gorge - Almaty)- ~ $100
Porter service
Travel insurance
Personal expenses
Sleeping bag, mat, backpack and other personal items necessary for a multi-day mountain hike can be rented by request

Price for Cossack Lakes trekking tour in Almaty

does not include transportaion or other extra-expenses.
1 person
2 persons
3 persons
Over 4 people
calculated individually
Additional expenses
transportation is required for this tour
the price for 1 car starts from $100

Request a call

Where are Cossack Lakes Located?

The lakes are situated in the upper reaches of the South Cossack (Yuzhnaya Kazachka) River. The Yuzhnaya Kazachka River is the right tributary of the Kaskelen River, one of the westernmost gorges of the Zailiysky Alatau. Approximately 1.5 hours by car from Almaty to the start of the hiking segment. Due to this, the gorge is less popular among Almaty residents for hiking and trekking.

What is the difficulty of the hike to Cossack Lakes in Almaty mountains?

Relief: The Kaskelen and South Cossack gorges are less popular than the routes in the immediate vicinity of Almaty, which one might think would make the gorge wilder and more trail-less. However, there are trails, although they are highly branched with many dead-ends leading to steep slopes, created by animals grazing livestock. In the upper reaches of the gorge are alpine meadows, and the lakes themselves are located among moraines, meaning there there are many rocks that require careful walking. The lower and upper lakes are separated by a rocky scree ridge; descending from it will be through loose and steep scree.
Participants: This hike is challenging. On the first day, there will be a significant elevation gain. Participants need endurance and experience in demanding one-day mountain hikes, such as Kumbel, Furmanovka, Bukreeva, or Titova pass. It is highly advantageous if a participant already has experience camping overnight in a tent.
  • Day 1: 10 km, elevation gain of 1,400 m
  • Day 2: 3 km to the lake, elevation gain of 450 m, and back to the camp, totaling 3 km to the camp and 10 km down the gorge, with an elevation loss of 1,850 m

What dangers may occur during the tour to Cossack Lakes?

When climbing to a height above 2500 m.a.s.l., mountain sickness may occur with the following symptoms: headache, weakness and sickness. If such symptoms appear, you shall immediately inform your guide, make a stop, take out your bottle of water and drink as much water as possible in small sips.
To prevent mountain sickness, you can do the following: go to the mountains a week before the hike, for example, climb to Shymbulak peak, get enough sleep one day before, and have a good breakfast in the morning, take at least 1 liter of water with you, as well as a chocolate bar.
Another danger is getting sunstroke when staying in the sun without a hat. It's simple - take a Panama hat with you!
And sunscreen and glasses will also save you from the harmful effects of the sun.
Always take a raincoat or waterproof hardshell jacket - mountain weather is unpredictable!
Remember that you are solely responsible for your health - be careful!

Refund policy for trekking tours

1-2 day tours: If the cancellation is made at least 72 hours in advance, a full refund (100%) will be provided. If the cancellation is made less than 72 hours in advance, a 70% refund will be provided. If the cancellation is made less than 48 hours in advance, a 50% refund will be provided. No refund will be given for cancellations made on the day of the service.
Multiday tours: If the cancellation is made at least 15 calendar days in advance, a full refund (100%) will be provided. If the cancellation is made less than 15 calendar days in advance, the refund will be issued minus actual expenses incurred (such as advance payments for transfers, hotel reservations, food purchases, tickets, etc.), but not exceeding 70% of the tour price. If the cancellation is made less than 7 calendar days in advance, a 50% refund of the tour price will be provided.

Meals during trekking tour in Almaty mountains

Food prepared during a hike is different from food in the city. We usually bring grains to cook on gas stoves. Typically, in the morning we prepare porridge: oatmeal, grain porridge, rice porridge, and we add cookies and tea.
Lunch depends on where we are eating and how much free time we have. In trekking tours, lunch often takes place on the go, so we usually make sandwiches with bread, cheese, and sausage, along with tea and a piece of candy.
For dinner, we usually have enough time to cook, so we typically prepare a side dish of buckwheat or pasta along with sliced beef. Tea and sweets are always included. We only bring vegetables on two-day hikes because they are perishable.
If you have any dietary restrictions or preferences, please inform your guide, and we will make sure to consider them when planning the menu.

#CossackLakes #CossackLakesAlmaty #CossackLakesWithGuide #Kaskelen #HikeToCossackLakes #CossackLakesWithGuideAlmaty #YuzhnayaKazachkaLakes #HikeInAlmatyMountains #HikeWithGuide #Almaty